Life In The Kingdom According to Jesus

Multi-published Christian author and ordained minister Gregory Johnson writes to all believers in his new book The Kingdom According to Jesus.  “What does it mean to be a believer and be a citizen of the Kingdom of God?”  This question and many more are answered in this comprehensive book that gives an overview of what it means to live in the Kingdom of God according to Jesus. 

For more information about the author, his book and his ministry visit Gregory A. Johnson. You may also get your copy of The Kingdom According to Jesus at Amazon or in Kindle Edition or at The Kingdom According to Jesus at Barnes and Noble in paperback and Nook.

Reading, Life, Health, and Peace of Mind

Reading is a great way to relax and enjoy life. It helps get your mind of things and simply allows you to calm the day or evening. Check out the Brian Starr Collections for some interesting reading.

(A Christian Book Marketing Press Release)

Title: The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God
Author: Brian D. Starr
ISBN # 978-1463517977
Adapted from book review

“From The Brian Starr Collection”

This is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. It is filled with volumes of knowledge about such topics as Divinity, Papacy, Saints, Royalty, Lineage, Decedents, Ancestry, Doctrine, Scripture Leviticus Lines, The Five Generations of God, Priests, Prophets, Kings, Orders, Apostles, history and much, much more. Literally, there is no way to make mention of all the topics in this book review.

Author Brian D. Starr has chronicled some of history’s most historical times shedding light on many topics that the average Christian is not aware of. Truly a well written book that allows the reader to explore and understand, that which is not found in your local church’s teachings.

From The Mysteries of The Priest and The Knight, The Five Generations of God, The Times of The Crucifixion and Ministry of The Lord, The Times of King David, The Ancient Lines of Zeus, The Ancient Lines of God to The Apostles Guardianship, be prepared to be taken through the mysteries of the ages as you explore the pages on this book.

With various charts that chronicle genealogy coupled with the fact that the book is written in a simple format, the reader will find the subjects written easy to follow.

This read is highly educational, thought provoking and challenges the reader to dig deeper into what is written for more in depth studies.

The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God by Author Brian D. Starr

Highly Educational, Thought Provoking, In Depth Studies
A Christian Book Marketing Press Release


Life, Health And The Power Of God's Word

Title: Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces
Author: Judy Azar LeBlanc
ISBN: 978-1449707064
Date reviewed: January 5th, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.2 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

“Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces” is sweet to the taste and food for the soul. Beautifully written, Award winning author Judy Azar LeBlanc explains both the simplicity and the depths of the riches of God’s Divine Grace through the application of the wisdom and life changing truth of the Word of God. The author speaks of and teaches of the basic, yet profound kingdom truths and principles of receiving and entering into God’s wonderful grace through the finished work of the Cross. The author also opens the doors to a much deeper knowledge and in-depth understanding of the graces and riches in Christ that are available to every believer.

Each chapter reveals the foundational truths of the divine riches available to those who accept the free gift of salvation with an in-depth revelation of what the finished work of the Cross provides.

Through careful research of the Greek and Hebrew root meaning, the author, unveils the true meaning of the reality of divine grace, foreknown, predestined, called, chosen, redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, to be freed from the law, saved by grace and the importance of justification.

The author continues to reveal the profound importance and truths of divine inheritance and what it means to be a heavenly citizen, to be adopted, delivered from the powers of darkness, while displaying the true belonging and security there is to be found in Christ.

Like unwrapping a gift, this book, unravels the mystery of the word “theology” by the practical application of every day language. The author provides the reader with a deeper knowledge and appreciation for God, the character of God, His nature and just how profound His love is for us all.

Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces provides an excellent foundation for teaching, bible studies, encouraging others and as a personal look into the depths and truths of the wonderful grace of God.

This book is highly recommended not just as a excellent read, but also as a life changing teaching that can help put a reader on the path to a much more intimate understanding and relationship with God through the understanding and revelation of His Word.

Theology 101 In Bite Size Pieces by Judy Azar LeBlanc
Highly Recommended
9.2 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Review’s

Health Benefits Of Joy

This is simple. Sadness, depression, stress, anger and all those negative emotions can drain your system and deeply affect your health. However, happiness and joy is like medicine to the heart.
If you are dealing with those negative emotions, trade them in for things that will bring you happiness and joy. And if those negative emotions are starting to rule your life, simply seek some help.

Stay happy and live a life of joy.

The Health Benefits Of Blue Berries

Blue berries. They taste great on cereal, in salads, and on other foods. Did you know that it's said that blue berries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit. That they neutralize free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body.

You might be quite surprised about blue berries and the health benefits of adding blue berries to your diet.

Know What Your Eating

Have you ever performed a serious study about the foods that we eat? How about those apples, bananas, peaches, grapes, oranges or strawberries. Are they really good for us?

And what about beans, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, artichokes or corn? Are they really good for us and if so what tops the list?

Here is a site with volumes of information and that is fun to use.